

Kalfou is a scholarly journal focused on social movements, social institutions, and social relations. We seek to build links among intellectuals, artists, and activists in shared struggles for social justice. 

Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services (ITS), the campus' central IT unit, contributes to UC Santa Barbara’s mission of research, teaching, and community service by serving as a resource and catalyst in partnering with the campus community to efficiently deliver IT infrastructure and enterprise application services to faculty, students, staff, and affiliates; and increasing the value and effectiveness of campus IT investments and implementations. 

Haitian Studies

UCSB's Haitian Studies Initiative offers critical analyses about Haiti and its rapport with the international community to support policy, community development, and social justice in Haiti and in the diaspora while also developing epistemological models that augment scholarship and sustain these interventions. The current work builds on 20 years of research on Haiti.

Grad Slam Showcase

Now renamed the Grad Slam Showcase, this annual event brings our campus community together and spotlights the amazing research being done by our graduate students. Graduate students will present their research in 3-minute talks that are clear, direct, and engaging to diverse audiences. Throughout the Showcase, we give out over $20,000 in cash prizes to participants.

Global Latinidades Project

The Global Latinidades Project seeks a world where all people have the opportunity to learn about each other and with each other pursuant to mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation to build an egalitarian society in harmony with all sentient beings, earth, and the cosmos.